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Upload Documents & Photos

Note: Some Fieldshare plans have data storage limits. Learn about plans.

Each Fieldshare project can include important documents and photos. Click Files in the navigation bar on the left to open the Files section.


The Documents list shows each file uploaded, grouped by the month uploaded. Hover your cursor over each file to display download and delete controls. To upload new files to the project, click either 'Upload Multiple' or 'Upload Single' and choose the file/s you want to upload. FIeldshare supports any files up to 50MB in size.


The Photos grid shows a thumbnail of each photo uploaded, grouped by the month uploaded. Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version of the image, and hover your cursor over the filename beneath the thumbnail to display download and delete controls. To upload a new photo to the project, click 'Upload Multiple' or 'Upload Single' and choose your photos. Fieldshare supports any image files up to 50MB in size. After selecting a photo click on the dropdown menu on the right to give it a direction and a description.

Search and Sort

You can search through files within a project by entering your search term in the Search text box. Files can also be sorted by Upload Date, File Name, File Size, File Type and Custom Date fields.