Integrate with Fieldshare

With your data structured logically in Fieldshare's architecture, connecting your other business apps is the next step

Connect using APIs

Fieldshare can connect to a host of cloud-based services to pull information in or push results out

Fieldshare connects to the apps you need

Integrating with other apps is the last step in your data structuring journey. With all your business information organized within Fieldshare's architecture, connecting to other apps is not only easier, it's easier to make changes to later.

With Fieldshare, we can help you prevent integrations from becoming a black box. Instead, Fieldshare keeps the inner workings of your app infrastructure visible, accessible, and most importantly-flexible

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Domain integrations

Use your own website as a starting point for workflows within Fieldshare

Use a web portal or access point of your choice to begin workflows in Fieldshare. Create work orders and more

Workflow possibilities aren't limited to the Fieldshare platform. You can extend your starting point to the web to allow data input by users with no Fieldshare account. That means you can collect data from more public external stakeholders with fewer barriers, and have that data automatically entered and organized in your Fieldshare database.

Integrations in action

Our clients have extended Fieldshare with APIs to other apps and custom integrations with their own systems

BC Energy Regulator adds data layers for orphan wells

The BC Oil & Gas Commission is responsible for thousands of orphaned wells aggregates data from all over the province to prioritize remediation

"Arkit saves us 20 hours per week in administration and data maintenance, updating records, organizing project data and reporting"

— City of Medicine Hat

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