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Edit Your Settings

In Settings you can update your Personal account information and change your preferences. If you have the Administrator role, you can also update Company settings and manage your Fieldshare subscription plan.

Personal Settings

Here you can update your first and last name, your contact email address, upload your profile picture, and set your email preferences. Your FIeldshare account is only for your use, so keep your password secret and secure. You can change your password, but note that you will have to sign in to Fieldshare again to confirm the change.

If you forget your password, you can request a password reset from the Sign In screen. You will be emailed a temporary password that you should immediately change. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, including at least 1 number.

Company Settings

If you have the Administrator role, you can also edit your company's name, upload a custom logo image, set when company wide task reminders are sent, view your project and data usage, and manage your subscription plan. Your logo and company name are seen by all users in your company, and all users at your collaborating companies.